Pickles, Petey and Pepper
Thank you all for all the kind comments about Sadie. I miss her so bad I can't stand it. We decided to give her a place in a local pet cemetery. She thought she was a person, so I had to bury her like one. Gah, I can't talk about it...anyway, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to send back a note to each one of you, but I've just not been myself and swamped with work, internship, and stuff at home...read on about that...
Without the drama queen in the house, it was too quiet, too depressing... We knew we were going to get another dog, but it took two to fill emptiness Sadie left behind. Meet 10 month-old Petey (beagle mix) and four month-old Pepper (shepherd mix?). They are our two new lovebugs and our 13 year old gal, Pickles, just loves them. She was awfully despondent after Sadie passed...I think we all were...now she is running and playing.
Petey and Pepper are real characters. Pepper has never been on a leash before and apparently has never been out of a cage much...she is afraid of doorways, stairs and leashes. Petey, who was pulled from the shelter by a rescue just one day before euthanasia, just made himself at home immediately and climbs everything in site like a mountain goat. He'll go to sleep next to you on his back with all fours sticking up in the air and snore like an old man. He's hilarious. They are keeping us very busy--Petey is housetrained, but Pepper isn't yet. Pepper le Pew...
Click on either picture to go to the full collection of photos from their first day with us (except for the last pic which is when I brought Petey to work with me over the weekend--that would be his second day with us...looks pretty comfortable, huh?).

Ah, puppies...smooch