Tuesday, August 26, 2003

from the bowels of academia...

Well, I've commandeered a computer between classes and before I hit the snack machine for my fair and balanced dinner. Psychopathology (the class I just came from) always holds my interest. It's fascinating how we are all are plotted on a continuum of behavior. We were talking about when do you decide someone has crossed the line between what's "normal" and what's "dysfunctional?" Unfortunately, it's a grey line and subjective. Diagnosing with labels is more for the insurance company than it is for helping. I know plenty of "normal" people I could diagnose with something, but their behavior causes no disruption in their lives. Aren't you glad to have an accountant who is obsessive-compulsive? Of course. Now, if that accountant can't get out of the house for days because there are wrinkles in the bedcover, well, that's a different story. I wish everyone could take these classes because human behavior is greatly demystified in them, which, as you know, KNOWLEDGE takes away stigma. Of course, I feel like an old fart, but there are a few of us running amok on campus, so, I guess I'll just get over it. Onward.


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